
Aslan Health LLC is the complementary medicine arm of my patient care. Aslan, the lion, created by C.S. Lewis in his writing, The Chronicles Of Narnia, is good and gracious. He willingly gives himself to save Edmund, who is without hope or the possibility of freedom. In over 30 years of medical practice, I have attempted to offer myself to the care of people in need who want to function better and feel well again. About 2000 years ago, a doctor named Luke recorded these words of Jesus “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31. The guidance distributed on this website is intended to serve for your good.


Aslan Health LLC is the complementary medicine arm of my patient care. Aslan, the lion, created by C.S. Lewis in his writing, The Chronicles Of Narnia, is good and gracious. He willingly gives himself to save Edmund, who is without hope or the possibility of freedom. In over 30 years of medical practice, I have attempted to offer myself to the care of people in need who want to function better and feel well again. About 2000 years ago, a doctor named Luke recorded these words of Jesus “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31. The guidance distributed on this website is intended to serve your good.
